JCRC-NY Statement on Iran Deal

July 14, 2015

The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York is deeply concerned with the announced terms of the deal with Iran. While we will review each of the specifics of the deal in greater detail, it appears that The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) has serious shortcomings and will not prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

At this point in time, when President Obama is threatening to veto any vote in Congress disapproving the JCPOA, it is vital that Congress carefully scrutinize this agreement. In doing so, Congress must take into account national security concerns as well as the consequences of a more powerful Iranian regime. Iran is a nation that consistently calls for the destruction of both the United States and Israel, is the leading State Sponsor of Terrorism and terrorist groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, and is one of the worst violators of human rights in the world. These concerns are not addressed in the deal, but must be considered by Congress.

The thrust of the deal relies on Iran’s good faith and the ability of the IAEA to effectively carry out inspections. With Iran’s history of acrimony, deceit and terror, it is difficult for us to have confidence that this deal will prevent a nuclear Iran.

2015 Celebrate Israel Parade Coverage

June 01, 2015

PM Netanyahu Statement on Celebrate Israel ParadePDF

Articles – Links & PDFs

JTALink    or  PDF

Vos Iz NeiasLink   – A Mile of Israeli Pride as Celebrate Israel Hits Manhattan

Jerusalem PostLink  or PDFOpinion of Ido AharoniCelebrating Israel in New York

JCRC-NY Statement Against the Palestine Advocacy Project’s MTA Ads

March 03, 2015

Anyone who is truly interested in peace between Israelis and Palestinians does not engage in intentionally provocative and false accusations. These ads only serve to tear at the fabric of communal harmony in New York and impede efforts for a just resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This effort is merely the latest manifestation of a broader, vicious campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel and demonize every element of its society.