Statement Against Inflammatory Ads

September 22, 2014

While acknowledging the MTA’s decision, based on a past federal court ruling, that the placement of the AFDI ads in the New York transit system is protected under the First Amendment to the Constitution, nonetheless, we find the ads’ content to be dangerously inflammatory and decidedly prejudiced. The broad mainstream of the New York Jewish community does not see the despicable and horrific actions of terrorist organizations as justification of intolerance towards all Muslims or their faith. We will continue our work of rejecting stereotypes and working with leaders of the Muslim and other faith and ethnic communities within the demographic diversity of New York to strengthen the communal collective and improve the quality of life for all.

Bring Back Our Boys

June 26, 2014

JCRC-NY praises New York’s Congressional Delegation
for speaking out to “Bring Back Our Boys “

Press Release with statements from the New York Delegation sent to JCRC-NY –  Click HERE

JCRC-NY lauds Governor Cuomo’s moves to protect students from discrimination and harassment

January 08, 2014

The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) lauded Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s proposed “Dignity for All Students” law. The proposal would require all public schools to notify the State Education Department (SED), the Division of Human Rights and the State Police if there is a pattern of discrimination or harassment, and to take steps to remedy the situation.

Michael S. Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO of JCRC-NY explained, “Governor Cuomo described his proposal as having two critical elements: building community and justice. The Governor spoke movingly of the rights of students to attend school without the fear of discrimination or harassment and he recommended concrete, statutory changes that will give state agencies the power to intervene to protect those being victimized. He clearly understands the problem and, once again, this initiative demonstrates his tremendous leadership.”

Michael Miller attended the Governor’s State of the State Address in Albany and had the opportunity to personally thank the Governor for his words and deeds.

JCRC-NY Statement on Williamsburg Assault

December 15, 2013

Statement of Michael S. Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO

We are horrified at the alleged assault on Taj Patterson in Williamsburg on December 1, 2013. This attack is being investigated as a possible hate crime by the detectives of the Hate Crime Task Force of the NYPD, who are among the finest investigators in the world. We urge them to follow the evidence wherever it may lead and that the perpetrators be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

Hate crimes — acts motivated by race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person — are a scourge on society, magnifying a criminal act with hideous animus. Those who commit such heinous acts deserve to bear the full brunt of our criminal justice system.

According to reports, MTA bus driver Evelyn Keys is a hero. She stopped the attack and gave to police the little evidence that is available.

Anyone with information about this assault should contact NYPD Crimestoppers at 1-(800) 577-TIPS. Your identity and information will be kept anonymous.

Contact:  David Pollock
Phone:  (212) 983-4800 x132


JCRC-NY Offers up to $5G for NYC “Knockout” Attacks

December 04, 2013

The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) announced a reward of up to $5,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction (or a finding of delinquency) of individuals responsible for any of the reported, so-called “knockout” assaults in New York City.

Michael S. Miller, Executive Vice President and CEO of the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York (JCRC-NY) explained, “These attacks have dislodged the sense of safety and security that most New Yorkers feel when they walk our streets. The cowardly assailants often prey on the most vulnerable: Jews and Christians, Blacks and Whites. There have already been arrests. We want to give the NYPD an additional tool to stop these crimes as quickly as possible”.

The so-called “knockout” attacks are being investigated as possible hate crimes by the NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force. Michael Miller continued, “We thank Police Commissioner Kelly for his response to this outbreak. The Hate Crimes Task Force has some of the finest investigators in the NYPD, who are employing every resource available to arrest those responsible. We offer this reward in order to help make the streets safe for all New Yorkers.”

Because there are multiple attacks, the JCRC-NY will work with the NYPD to determine the amount of each reward, up to a maximum total of $5,000.

Anyone with information about any of the so-called “knockout” attacks should contact NYPD Crimestoppers at:
1-(800) 577-TIPS. Your identity and information will be kept anonymous.

Click for Press Release  PDF

JCRC-NY Condemns Brooklyn College Political Science Department

January 30, 2013

Statement Regarding Event Co-Sponsored by Brooklyn College Political Science
Department & Students for Justice in Palestine Student Club

The Jewish Community Relations Council of New York strongly condemns the decision of
Brooklyn College’s Political Science Department to lend its name and imprimatur to an event
featuring individuals who espouse extremist and hostile views. While we vigorously defend
academic freedom, we believe that these freedoms do not extend to faculty and academic
bodies exploiting their association with the university to enhance their biased and hateful
agenda. At the very least, academic integrity requires a balanced forum representing diverse
views. Since that is not the case, we call upon the Political Science Department to remove its
name from this one-sided propaganda event.
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