Brooklyn is home to over 70 diverse communities that face challenges such as food insecurity, discrimination, and unemployment. With 29.9% of Brooklyn’s population under the age of 25, it is imperative to invest in the next generation.
In February 2024, YouthBridge-Brooklyn Bootcamp, a subsidiary of YouthBridge-NY, was launched with 14 teens from a diverse ethnic and religious background. The teens visited educational and cultural institutions and participated in skill-building workshop such as:
• Unconscious bias and “other”
• Strategies for success through goal setting and self-empowerment
• Overcoming fears and barriers to success
• Community building, leadership, and collaboration
Fellows participate in monthly skill-building workshops and team-based learning opportunities. They also select and commit to one of two social action committees, where they meet a second night each month to work together in smaller groups addressing long-term impacts.
Sessions are held twice per month from 5:00-7:00 PM across Brooklyn for seven months.
Click HERE for YouthBridge-NY’s mission and history.
Click HERE for the application for the 2024-2025 fellowship.

For more information, contact Kim Robinson at robinsonlk@jcrcny.org or 332-228-4967.